
PI on the PB

Well, the cat's out of the bag, so I might as well announce one of the many secret initiatives of the Navigator.

Though the reasons for doing so are unclear (beyond the obvious), I'm documenting my journey from the picture of slovenly unhealth into the Platinum Body. Predictably, I'm doing so in blog format, at The Platinum Body. For the full story, you're going to have to check it out, but I'll probably be cross-posting at least some of the material.

You might say it's vanity that's propelling this enterprise and one day, yes, I may be vain about my figure. At the moment, though, that seems hardly likely, judging from this photo. Rather, it's a chance to exercise bean and pen in service of a third effort: getting in shape. I can only hope it works. My past is littered with the burnt-out shells of workout plans. This time though...

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